Our Partners

Woodward Out of School Care

Daily Financial Service Inc


Thank you for taking the time to view our Sponsorship Options.

After three successful seasons, The Junior Hawk Tour moves into it’s fourth season with a continued emphasis on providing a fun environment for children to learn golf etiquette, gain education on the rules, and respect their fellow players, all while engaging in friendly competition.
Our mission is to ensure we are continuing to grow our game with a strong junior demographic for years to come.

To help us accomplish this we are seeking your support.

Below are our standard sponsorship tiers. If you would like to become a Junior Hawk Tour Sponsor, would like more information, or wish to discuss other partnership options, please reach out to us at: info@juniorhawktour.ca

Supporting Sponsorship Tournament Title Sponsorship Order of Merit Title Sponsorship
Our Supporting Sponsorship program begins with your company being featured on all our social media platforms. This will include our Tour Website, our payment website and scoring/leader board platform, Facebook, and Instagram. At each Hawk Tour event your company logo will be incorporated on posters, banners, and other physical items at the host golf course. As a Tournament Title Sponsor your company will be front and centre as the host of one of our Junior Hawk Tour events! This means visible branding and signage, products/services you offer on display, and branded awards/tee gifts for all players. Your company will secure a prominent position on all media platforms (listed in the "Supporting Sponsorship" section) and be proudly displayed at all Junior Hawk Tour events. Order of Merit Title Sponsorship is our premier sponsorship tier. Order of Merit Title Sponsors will receive all the benefits included in the two previous sponsorship tiers. In addition, Order of Merit Title Sponsors will be singled out as major contributors of the Junior Hawk Tour and given the most prominent placement on all media platforms and all posters, banners, brochures, and other physical advertising. On top of hosting one of our tour events, your company will be front and centre as a host at our end of season wrap-up event, where players will be presented with awards featuring your logo/branding. We welcome your company’s materials and products in our welcome station at all events to promote your company, your products, and/or services you offer!
$1,000 plus tax for the 2025 Season $2,500 plus tax for the 2025 Season $10,000 plus tax for the 2025 Season

Tour Partners

Mylora Executive Golf Club

Zone Golf Academy

Product Partners